Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Bolshoi Ballet's Performance of The Nutcracker - Pas de Deux


Ahhhh....my favorite piece by Tchaikovsky--the Pas de Deux from The Nutcracker.  My beautiful grandmother Mimi (as I called her), Babe was a dancer and ballet teacher and would play this for me when I was very small. She taught me various steps and this particular piece is so haunting and reminds me of her.

Stephen and I have seen The Nutcracker several times together and will see it again this month. My wonderful friend Cyndy's granddaughter, Taylor is a Toy Soldier this year in her ballet company's production. Last year, she was the Teddy Bear. 

Darling Taylor, last year as
The Teddy Bear

Taylor and me, December 2008

Taylor's mom Katey has always been my "honorary daughter". When Alex was 4, she was Alex's first overnight guest. (Katey is 3 years older than my boy. They laughed and fought all night.) Then when Hunter was born, she'd come spend the weekend with us and help me with the chubby baby. 

I'm clearly taking the stroll down memory lane here. One of the funniest times Cyndy and I had shopping, was with 4 year old Alex and 7 year old Katey. They were in utter hysterics walking through the lingerie department, then later got into a slap-fight inside one of the round racks of womens clothing. Meeeeeeh-mories.

Those SpongeBob teeth HURT.

Sometimes I miss those days...oh, and Felix BIT me on the arm today. Yet another Mr. Perfect has been knocked down a few pegs. (Dayna put him in a screaming-bloody-murder-10 second-time-out.

The Baby Felix Honeymoon is ovah...even though I laughed a little when he bit me. Oh, he'll always be Mr. Perfect to us...

Oh, and DON'T anyone lecture me by saying "Now, listen. You need to NIP that behavior in the BUD. NIP IT."  Can't you just hear  Barney Fife saying that?

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